Pownce is Dead. Long Live Pownce, #PW
This doesn't look like a part 3 look at Twitter, but it really is. After the very poorly thought out decision from Six Apart (again I stress Very. Poorly. Thought. Out. Decision), the small, but dedicated Pownce community was scattered. Most of us have found a home on Twitter and as you have seen I and others have adopted the platform and are enjoying the simple flexibility given by the service. For those of us Pownce survivors who have stuck around Twitter, we have found it becoming ever more difficult with the noise to keep track of that core group. I don't mean theres an issue of elitism or being cliquish so much as just being able to find each other. After a small exchange with some brilliant, resourceful and fellow Pownce refugees, we agreed to start using Hash tags. And that's what brings about the subject of this post and final discourse into getting people acquainted with Twitter. There are two well put together articles here and here that will...