
Showing posts from January, 2009

Pownce is Dead. Long Live Pownce, #PW

This doesn't look like a part 3 look at Twitter, but it really is. After the very poorly thought out decision from Six Apart (again I stress Very. Poorly. Thought. Out. Decision), the small, but dedicated Pownce community was scattered. Most of us have found a home on Twitter and as you have seen I and others have adopted the platform and are enjoying the simple flexibility given by the service. For those of us Pownce survivors who have stuck around Twitter, we have found it becoming ever more difficult with the noise to keep track of that core group. I don't mean theres an issue of elitism or being cliquish so much as just being able to find each other. After a small exchange with some brilliant, resourceful and fellow Pownce refugees, we agreed to start using Hash tags. And that's what brings about the subject of this post and final discourse into getting people acquainted with Twitter. There are two well put together articles here and here that will...

History Made

As I watched with the world the overwhelming yet smooth transition today involving the most powerful political chair on the planet, I thought about what my comments and thoughts should be about this historic day. I was reminded of the outpouring of the democratic process when millions of people voted perhaps for their first time. I thought about the people that have bled and died to deliver to all of us that ability to vote and that ability to transfer power without overthrow. But one thought stuck out more than any other. Now, more than ever, as I mentioned after the elections, we all need to do more to participate in our government. I honestly don't know a soul that can tell me who their representatives are much less how often they interacted with these civil servants. We do not elect them to make our decisions, we elect them to represent our decisions.With a President that feels that government and expansion of the same is the cure to our nation's ills, it is imperative th...

25 Things You May Not Know About Me

I have seen in some social circles online a meme of sorts where people list 25 things that most people did not know about them.  I figured I'd take a minute and give it a shot. This was kinda hard for me. I'm really just simple and plain, really: My first PC was a 486 Tandy.And I thought it was fast and a good deal at two thousand dollars! My first internet connection came thanks to America Online. The first site I visited? Yahoo! My Mom proudly admits to stalking my Dad a bit before asking him out the first time. That's right, she asked him out. In the early 60's! I've cried at 2 rock concerts. When I saw Live in 1996 when they played Lightening Crashes and in 2005 when I saw Iron Maiden. They were happy tears, overwhelming tears of happiness. Not very Metal of me...I know. I have crazy vertigo and curl into a ball anytime I'm on a plane and it's landing. I'll never skydive, but I love flying. I love flying! And traveling! Take me to a beach for i...

Unforseen Twitter Post

I had intended on making a post on how to share media on Twitter, but that may have already been done for me. Twitter Part 2.1: Sharing So we all saw the events yesterday with US Air Flight 1549 which crash landed in the Hudson River not long after taking off from La Guardia airport in New York City. News reports came flooding in around 3:45 and cameras were there to to show the events as they happened live. Fifteen minutes earlier, people on Twitter were already discussing the crash and this picture was uploaded through Twitpic  . It was sent up by Janis Krums who was on a ferry which ended up being used as a rescue vehicle for the passengers of that ill fated flight. This is where something like Twitter shines. I am no fan of citizen journalism, but when something happens like this, and people are savvy enough to record and send that to a community of like minded people, world events can be spread around the globe in seconds instead of minu...

It's a Tweet New World

Part 1 Twitter Peripherals I made a statement recently that I think Twitter is going to hit the mainstream really soon. Celebrities, athletes, and politicians are now using and finding the service to be very useful . That means that as people that are in demand embrace new media, it will trickle down to the rest of us. So as the rest of us come out of denial that this is a niche tool for geeks that like to hear themselves talk, I figured it was time to run a short series on some tools and tricks in Twitter and help get people acquainted with some of the lingo that's involved. This will be very basic, so I'm not going to talk over anyone's head, hopefully. First, I did a poll of current Twitter users to see how they send their messages or Tweets (isn't that adorable?). After a quick informal review, most people still use the web interface at Twitter . Then comes people who are using Adobe Air applications such as Twhirl and Tweetdeck. A couple nerds are using th...

More House Pics?

Janine has done such a fantastic job cleaning up house that I had to show off a couple of pictures. The corner with the piano is all cleared out. It looks so nice.  Here's our new entertainment center which can now house the flat panel, FiOS receiver, DVD player, and potentially a kitten or two. I'm also looking into getting gas logs for that fireplace. It's going to be so nice and toasty! Speaking of toasty. We've been putting our new stove to work. It cooks everything perfectly. I made the best shrimp tempura the other night. That is one white stove though. We're going to have to paint the kitchen first. You can see the off white of the counter next to the stove and the wall. One last touch to the new house. Our kittens find it sport to climb our front door screen. This was one habit that was cute for 15 seconds and then became a great source of aggravation. We had to break them of this little stunt quick. And the last big project was putting all of our clothes aw...