Netflix and Qwikster - My Thoughts
I awoke to a day of rage. It wasn't even about anything political or remotely serious. It was concerning Netflix and their recent changes to their streaming and DVD models. I wanted to express a few thoughts about this and pose a few rhetorical questions, just like I do for every post. I will give the short of this post though, I think splitting streaming with physical media is a good idea and more forward thinking than we realize. Last night around midnight I received an email from the CEO of Netflix, Reed Hastings . In his email he apologized for his arrogance and lack of communication about the state of his company. After skimming through all of that mundane and unnecessary banter, I found the real meat of this email now residing in millions of inboxes. He wants to split his company into two parts. He wants to keep Netflix, the native company streaming only. After some price changes last month, I had gotten the hint pretty quick that they want to push customers into watch...