
Showing posts from June, 2014

Lost A Friend

I never like to write posts like this, but I feel the need to share some memories and pay homage and respects to someone I recently lost. A friend of mine and a former roommate in college passed away on Wednesday. David Hobbs probably deserves a book written about him and his exploits but I'll try and do him justice. I made my first big excursion away from home attending college back in 1996. I had spent a couple years in community college, so I was older than most of the kids in my dorm. Most of them were 18 and I was 21. They were all kids acting like they were attending summer camp, that is all of them but one student. Hobbs looked like he lived a nice long life already, which was crazy. He was only a couple weeks younger than me, but the man was literally larger than life. Weighing in about 400 lbs. He did take up a good amount of space in those dorm rooms, but he was agile having played football in high school. He was constantly sneaking up on me. My dorm mates ...