
Showing posts from October, 2008

My Fave 5 Firefox Add Ons

I know I've promised a review of the many browsers that occupy our current web space, and that is still coming. In the meantime, I figured I'd post a few practical lists of things that I use with my preferred browser, web apps, and cloud computing. I'm going to get all nerdy with it, but my goal is to help users explore their options and check out some new things. So I have a few addons with Mozilla Firefox and to really get the most out of this browser, one really needs to take time and explore what's out there as far as extensions and themes. Here are five of them that make browsing more enjoyable for me: Foxmarks - Found here , is a simple utility used to sync bookmarks between or among several computers. For instance, you have a desktop computer, a laptop, a computer that you may use Firefox on at work, you get the idea. Foxmarks syncs the bookmarks from your home computer to your other installations of Firefox so that you don't miss out on anything. This is...

Home Boy

So welcome to our house? Well, the front door is probably going to get very little if any usage. The home inspection was today, which was actually a comforting experience. It's relieving to know that someone who really knows a lot about houses, and this area feels that the house is in pretty decent shape. I also had a good time just hanging out with Janine and our agent while we looked around and I snapped a few shots. I'm pretty sure the first project is going to involve a paintbrush. The house has a lot of neutral colors, and I think it was a rental before the owner decided to outright sell the property. The hardwood is in great shape so the next project will probably involve shopping for rugs. It didn't take me long to realize that no matter how good the house is kept, there are always potentially a million projects both inside and out. The fireplace is workable, but that's another project in itself. I think we'll probably seal that off for now and focus on...

New iGoogle Pages

As iGoogle users have already noticed, their home pages have made a pretty significant change. Now Google is utilizing the home page into more of their services to provide a seamless experience with their services. Now instead of going from the iGoogle page to GMail, or Google Reader, you can use their canvasing technology to stay on the home page, while taking care of your Google tasks. I like it. I know a lot of people do not like it. I had to hear my Father, the Super Nerd,  rant about how his home page has now shrunk. Others just don't care or understand why Google would make such a move to drastically alter what's worked for them and their users for years. Ars Technica posted an article just a short while ago that Google may have found a way to use this expansive home page view to monetize, helping widget developers and the like. The funny part of the article is the ad which was not prevalent before, but now is from Ars Technica. So not only is this a new way to mone...

Fourteen Days?

I think I'm going to hire someone to come and hit me over the head whenever I fail to post at least once a week. Just when I start to get traffic on the site I fail to post for 2 weeks. That's just not acceptable. So once again, I'm going to resort to tackling two birds, with one stone: Bird Number One: What's up? Not much...there really hasn't been anything to post about as far as my life goes. I've just been working. Working the regular 9-5, working on getting the house cleaned and packed up, ready for the move. I'm hoping we can start closing next week on that house. Speaking for myself, I know I'm ready to have a house with a living room and privacy again. I know Janine is too. I know our roomates are ready for us to go too. I'm sure they'd like the space. Bird Number Two: My plug of the week. Be it far from me not to drum up attention to a site or service once a week at least, and I'll try better to stick to that great Lewis Show tra...

I Am One Wild and Crazy Guy

Just because I am a hoot, doesn't mean I cannot have something to accompany my unique sense of humor. So when reading my blog, remember to keep these sites bookmarked and ready to go. Rimshot Sad Trombone Because humor is my favorite instrument.

October Plugging

I always promise to plug more sites, but I never get around to doing so. To break out of another slump, I give you Dipity  . Dipity works as an online time line of events in your digital life. These days, a lot of our lives are on the web, and this service puts them all together. Anyone can use this. Most everyone at least has a blog. Uploading your blog to Dipity creates a time line of that blog. A lot of people save and upload their pictures to a service like Flickr. With Dipity, you add those pictures to your blog time line and now you can start to see where this is going. For those with Twitter or Friendfeed accounts can do the same and the end result once you get your services uploaded, is a pretty complete time line which over time will create a great piece of nostalgia of what looks less like your digital life and more like your life in general. So Dipity is highly recommended, I've even put my time line in the header of my blog.

I May Call This House a Home

Today Janine and I took that first actual big step into getting a house. We were actually able to get a contract signed and put a bid on this house shown. It's probably in the best location in the city, it has a huge yard, it has a nice back deck, it has a mancave, it has a nice fireplace, it just has a lot of good stuff going for it. I think we made a good decision to get in now. I know the market and the news has been really scary lately, but sometimes you take that risk. You know, that risk to start my life with the woman I love in a place that I love in a neighborhood that I love and love life in return. I think it's going to pay off well for the both of us. I'm just so excited!