A Fun Packers Fan Rant
I try to avoid posting about football. Mostly because it's a sport and it's kind of trivial to write a serious post about a game. Since my team, however, is now thrust head long into a major controversy, I figured I would post a few thoughts. Short version: I'm not even mad, I'm just done. We've all (we who care) seen the reply from the Monday night game. Seattle throws a hail Mary pass with time expiring on the clock, there is a jump ball, and two officials make contrary calls with one over ruling the other. After the instant reply review in the booth, the touchdown call stood. Many feel that the last play of the game was actually an interception and are shocked that the officials did not see it that way. I wanted to focus on the core of why there so much outrage and what, if anything, is being done to correct it by the league and the referees. The NFLRA or the National Football League Referee Association is in a collective bargaining dispute with...