I think it's time to venture into my life and mind again. There's not much there, so I'll be stretching. Really stretching.
- The apartment looks so good now. Tomorrow I'm going to focus on cleaning the bathroom and the floors some more, but after that this place is going to be spotless. I just need to get out and get new wall decor and posters.
- The stupid flower paintings have to go.The front closet is full of stuff going back to Lynchburg. I can't wait to get that cleaned out. Then I'm going to rearrange all my closets and storage. There's got to be some Mexican or Thai kid who's trying to get through medical school who wouldn't mind living in this tiny extra room and go to school and work full time.
- These Tru models are just fuggen beautiful! I'm doing crunches now...but it's not working fast enough!
- Tomorrow is Easter. Happy Easter everyone. And Happy Passover for my Hebrew friends. And whatever other holiday it is, Happy Whatever Day.
- I had to turn the AC on today. It was miserably hot. Cooking this evening didn't help things in the kitchen either. I could heat Danville with what escapes from my oven!
- Jessi is coming into town next weekend. We're going to watch lots of movies, hit some shops, take me to court to deal with my driving on a suspended license charge, and most important go to The chili Cookoff. It'll be a fun weekend with my best friend.
- Kelly is going to Mexico next week. I hate him so bad. He's going to Puerto Viarta. Check it out. It's a breathtaking place. Don't forget your passport and your American Express card for lots of cervesa!
- I am addicted to those Tyson honey glazed chicken tenders.
- Cleaning the cat box totally and completely sucks! I wonder if I can train her to use the people crapper..
Buenos Dias....hehehe....la cucaracha, la cucaracha....blah blah blah....hehehe...hangovers suck!