Mike's Clicks

Yeah, everyone does this to the point where even cliche becomes cliche. I'm going to start plugging some sites that I visit. I also know I did this before. I would post a site and ask people to go check it out. I'm adding a twist though. I'll post a blog that I frequent and I'll post one of these "Web 2.0" sites that people can find helpful.

In this Christmas season, I'm often asked, "What do you want?" I usually just go blank and ask for cash, or I used to refer people to my Google Shopping account. I've given up on that site, as has Google, so I went out and found Wishlistr. This is a free site that allows people to link up people to their friend's wish list. Now all anyone has to do is click on my wishlistr feed and they have instant access to my heart's desires. I have items ranging from a few dollars to a few hundred dollars. As I always say, though, it's not the gift, it's the thought. I just like getting a lot of thought.

I don't think I've given a fair mention to Jessi's blog. I figured I'd mention this site first because I helped to design the page. I'm very proud of my work. I've become a bit of an HTML/XML guru, and I'm always finding myself in places where having a little knowledge can be a dangerous thing.

Jessi's aim on her blog is to mostly review podcasts, but she will mention early and often about her knitting obsession. It's worth adding to your feed if for anything to discover with her what's out there in podcast land. She also has a wish list posted and she'll update it often with those adorable and funny Lolcat pictures.

I'll post two more sites next weekend, but anyone can stay a mile ahead of me by checking out the links that I've posted on the right sidebar. Maybe we all just might learn a little something.


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