The Ugly
I never cared to call anyone or anything Ugly. So this year's Ugly list had to really have gotten on a nerve, or just produced enough of a mess on the web that it deserves mention in this post. The site in question either left me with a bad taste in my mouth, or showed me how hilarious us humans can be. Here's my list of honorable mentions for 2008: I was going to give Pownce the big Ugly award for this year, but I've talked about them enough, I gave enough of my time to them, and they don't deserve another second of my time. Any company that comes in and shuts something down only to restart it under a different name from scratch has lost my respect completely. JustinTV , for those who haven't visited the site, is a life casting service. Amid copyright issues that the company have been facing this year, they were hit hard by the suicide of one of their users last fall. The site maintained the site is moderated and I agree with their stance, but something like t...