Feeling More Organized

This is the season for having a lot on our minds. It's also the season for a lot of important information to escape from my mind. I admit that I have inherited not only my father's good looks, but also his complete lack of memory retention. I don't even think I have the classic "In one ear, out the other" problem. I think that some important items to remember bounce right off of my thick skull.

So I need help. With my trusty phone I have a couple applications which come in quite handy. On my desktop I prefer using Google Tasks to keep up with grocery lists, things to remember, and even organize things that I can put off. It's hard work to be a professional procrastinator. I need an app that can sync with my Google Tasks and give me a lot of other features available as I need them.

For me, Astrid does all of this and more.

Astrid Task/Todo List for Android on AppBrain
Astrid easily lets me add tasks to a master list, allows me to import and sync my Google tasks.  I can add notes, set dates, and set an alarm to remind me of tasks with deadlines. It comes with additional add ins that I recommend to help support development of this app such as voice commands.

So if you see my head in my phone at the grocery store, know that I am looking at my grocery store list widget and trying to remember if I was supposed to pick up the light brown sugar or the dark brown sugar (there's a difference, I know this now).

Prior to discovering Astrid, I used SSI GTasks. This is a much more scaled back and simple application that has the ability to sync with Google Tasks. It also has a widget which was very helpful. Recently changes have been made which limits syncing to Tasks with their paid version. I almost feel certain Google will develop their own Tasks app one day, so I'm leary, but I always try to make it a point to suggest we support these 3rd party developers. Their hard work allows us to enjoy these phones by creating practical, working, and enjoyable apps.

There are plenty other apps out there, I'd be interested to hear what you're using. On my iPod Touch I just used their default Notepad application or I would sync up my Google Tasks with the Google app. I'm sure there are a lot more tools available for the iUser, I just never got to explore any other options.

Next time I'm going into great detail about notepads. This takes tasks to a whole new level and there are several great apps on both major platforms which everyone should have and use.

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