What The What?

I know I have not posted in a while. This blogging thing is deader than dead, but I still like to keep this platform open and communicate my life and thoughts with anyone crazy enough to read them. What some may notice though is that there has been a few changes as to how to get to me and what people see when they load thelewisshow.com.

For the past four years almost I have been writing for other publications. I started out in 2011 writing for some friends in an Android centralized news and opinion blog called Android Activist. I then went on to write for RootzWiki which was Android heavy with an emphasis on the open community. Then I took a gig for Tech Dissected which was vastly more my speed, but time constraints, family obligations, and massive writer's block kept me off my game.

So as a result I decided I'm just going to write for myself. I will keep my own thoughts here on this blog that I've possessed for now over 11 years. Eventually things will come together, but for now here is where I will post my life events and thelewisshow is going to become where I write and share my articles and opinions about tech (or whatever I feel like sharing).

I also have ideas for Medium which is another micro blogging platform and I've already started to post over there too, so stay tuned I'll post some more links next time around. Exciting times. I feel like I'm my own person again for the first time in a long time. Stay tuned.

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