Busy Week?

Why yes, Jessica, it is going to be a busy week. Nice rack by the way. Oh, what AM I up to this week?
  • Monday - car maintenance
  • Tuesday night - stream of Saint Diablo's CD on the Lynchburg Underground. 9PM.
  • Thursday - Metal Show at Cattle Annie's. Don't forget!! Saint Diablo will be playing with local act Delete the Day
  • Friday - Premiere of The Devil's Rejects
  • Saturday - Day of relaxation
  • Sunday - Ozzfest. 14 hours of metal, moshing, chicks with painted boobies, expensive merch, and stinky sweaty teenagers. I can't wait!
Thank goodness I have the next day off after Ozzfest. Last year I needed 3 days just to recover. That's all for this week, I'll be back to post more content as it becomes necessary.


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