The Quiet Return
I'm back, with random thoughts!
- Depending on cloud cover, there should be quite a show around midnight tonight. The Leonid meteor shower should be peaking tonight. Read more here.
- Speaking of tonight, Janine and I are going to see DRay and the Shockers. Apparently a bunch of bands are playing for some kind of biker tattoo festival. Fun!
- The radio station is back on! Keep checking with my station website, found here, for scheduled events.
- I was supposed to be getting my license today, but my Dad hasn't fixed the radiator fan yet on the car, so I'm going to do that next weekend. I have 4 days off, I'm sure I can find time to get that all finished up. And not too soon either, I'm just ready.
- I do believe I am going to visit my parents tomorrow. I'll see if I can help Dad work on my car to get that done sooner. If all goes to plan, next weekend my car will be sitting in my driveway.
- Fleas! My cats have fleas! We are going to bomb the house tomorrow. They are just everywhere. I wish, I hope we have a seriously cold winter to kill off all these critters. The mild winters are keeping them alive. If I'm not dealing with ants, it's fleas. My ankles look cancerous.
- We have kinda/sorta adopted the neighbor's cat. He comes around from time to time, stalking my cats. He's a big gray and white long hair cat that I have named Fred. He just looks like a Fred. A stalker cat named...Fred. I think he's patiently waiting for Janine's cats to go into heat. He's going to be in for a surprise when he finds out they never will. Sorry, fella.
- Thursday we had a small adventure with the rain. Leslie was taking me home after we closed up shop at 3 and my road was closed. I just told Leslie I can walk, so I got out and treaded down Beulah. I got to the turn where the bridge is and that was completely underwater. I had to tred over a foot of rushing water to get home. That was exciting! It was more fun watching the dumbasses who drove through the road closed sign tread their cars over this rushing stream. I was eager to remind these idiots the reason the "Road Closed" signs were up in the first place. Let's just say I wasn't the only person on foot.
- Thanksgiving is less than a week away. Where did November go? Where did this year go? Time is flying by and I'm trying frantically to keep up.
- I do believe Janine and I are going back to Maryland for Thanksgiving. We are going to have one last dinner at her grandmother's house. She passed away last week. I was happy that I got to meet her. She's at peace now with her family. Wes, Janine's brother, is going to cook this meal for everyone and after that, Janine and I have to rush back home. She has to work on Black Friday.
- How about those elections? Woo boy is it going to be a fun 2 years. I never thought I'd say this, but I seriously don't even give a shit. Nothing is going to change. No matter how sharp the rhetoric is going to get, the course is going to be stayed. You just watch.
- I've had the pleasure of checking out the new Internet Explorer. It just reminds me a lot of Firefox, so I'm sticking with Firefox. I do think that IE is much safer than it was, but as long as Active X exists, it's still a big fuckstain of internet browsing.
- The house is coming along nicely. Janine has worked hard cleaning the bathroom and the upstairs. We're thinking about buying a house. Something Addams family ish. It would be fun.
Heya bud! I hope you got to see the movie Friday, and are having a good weekend. Weee got a Wiiiiii :)
ReplyDelete*thinks what else was I goingto say*
Oh well, can't remember. Hope to catch you around some time.