Piano, Etc.

I just thought I'd make a quick post about the things going on lately. As you can see, Janine finally got her piano! It's an antique too. I had never heard of Becker & Co Piano Company before, but it's definitely a classic. I like the dark wood finish, and it sounds pretty good. There are a few adjustments that need to be made, but other than that, it's going to look pretty sweet. And it's something that's going to be around the rest of our lives.

Moving it was a chore. You may not be able to see, but we had to remove the banister on the stairwell and take out the 3 front rails on our front porch, but we finally crammed her in. I know for sure that when we move, we're going to hire movers. Paying them to do it would save us a whole lot of trouble.

I talk about my iPod all the time so I thought I'd take a quick pic of both Janine's and my iPod together, with Topaz, of course. I don't think I couldn't function very long without my iPod anymore. I sync pretty much everything to it. It's definitely still the best tangible gift I've ever received. My best gift ever would have to be my girl Janine. I'm so lucky...you all know that.

We're going to have an interesting month, we are going to be hosting Janine's sister, husband, and son for a while until they can get moved into their new place. Things will be a little more cramped, and I'll be without my PC for a while, but sometimes we make small sacrifices and look after family. My blogging will be a little sporatic on the main site, but I promise to keep content rolling on my Tumblr account. You'll be able to see the stories that I've Dugg, and see my Twitter and Pownce posts. So even when the main blog looks deserted, there's always stuff going on.

I got my free wristband from Gary Vaynerchuk of WineLibrary TV. Some of you may have seen him on Conan O'Brien recently. I'll post a clip below. It's amazing how a podcaster can make it to regular TV like that, and get a big response overall. Gary's podcast can be found on his site, and he's energized me big time into buying and tasting wine again. I always thought that was reserved for wine snobs, so I'm glad that I can enjoy wine as a regular Joe.

I thought I'd also post in light of our new Piano one of my favorite cat clips, enjoy!

Talking cat:



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