Geek Overloadness

So I've had my shiny new iPod Touch for a week and I wanted to take a minute to recap this week and talk about how fun and addictive this little device can be.

I had a so-so experience with Best Buy recently. My iPod Classic, which I discussed previously, died on me. The hard drive crashed leaving me with a lot of lost files. Lesson learned. I know better now.

I took the iPod to Best Buy in Short Pump because it was under a 3 year warrenty. It really came in handy because the Apple warrenty is only unless you buy more from them direct. The Geek Squad rep agreed to swap out the hard drives and get me my new iPod in 5 days. 6 1/2 days later, I got an automated message stating that my order was received at Best Buy.

I had agreed with the GS rep that I wanted to pick up my iPod at the Hull Street store because it was closer to home and Janine and I are usually in that neck of the woods most nights anyways. So I get to the Hull Street store to pick up my iPod. The Customer Service lady gave me a very strange look which could only mean, "What iPod?". As her face indicated, the iPod was received, however it was shipped to Short Pump.

I was pretty mad but it was not even that poor girl's fault, so I bit my lip and decided to save my rage for the Short Pump store. Isn't retail great sometimes? They do what they can, but those poor associates are probably way over their head due to short staffing, lack of adequate pay, and other things that make retail painful these days.

Sure enough the original guy with his tattoos and huge hole earlplugs was not there, but I did explain to the guy that I wasted a trip and my girlfriend's time and if they had any sense of fairness, they'd make things right. Either way, we'll see. I didn't expect perfection, I did expect someone to screw up, so all in all, I wasn't too mad at all.

So now I have the precious back and it's already chock full of Mike's junk.

The iPod touch has kept me busy, not because of the super shiny wide screen, or the great touch interface, but for the wireless web access. This is not healthy for someone who's hopelessly addicted to posting on Twitter, Pownce, and all those other mini networks you see here on my site, no sir, it isn't.

Once that novelty does wear off, this device is going to be a great asset for both myself and for Janine. I love the mapping feature. That's going to come in handy next week as we make our trip up to the inner regions of Maryland. The email feature is awesome, I've never been this on top of my emails before. I've had a lot of fun with the YouTube feature and I hope more videos become compatible with the QT format vs the Flash format.

I do hope and wish that Flash comes to this platform though and I wish that one day, a cut/paste option will appear and make my life better. In the meantime, until the SDK rolls out next month, I'm having fun with a host of web apps. I'll post the ones I'm using at a later time, but I'm loving this device so much, that I just don't feel like doing it now.

I can even blog from my iPod, which I plan on doing...soon!


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